Our Friends
Part of our commitment to the planet includes supporting our communities and other sustainable establishments. We align ourselves with the values of these important organizations, and continue to build a business relationship whether by donation or other forms of fostering alliances. Click on the logos below to learn more about their goals.
Daily Bread
Founded in 1983, The Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-denominational charity. Every day they strive to put an end to poverty and hunger in 20 different communities across Toronto and surrounding areas. By delivering to over 200 food programs across Ontario, The Daily Food Bank honours their belief that food is not a privilege. It is a right.
Tree Canada understands the incredible role trees play in our environment. They store carbon, help create oxygen for us to breathe, and provide a home for wildlife all around the world. As a non-profit charitable organization, Tree Canada primarily focuses on planting and nurturing trees in rural and urban areas across the country, while making sure to educate and provide resources in local communities and corporations.
United Way is a federated network of over 80 local United Way Centraide offices serving more than 5,000 communities across Canada, each registered as its own non-profit organization and governed by an independent volunteer-led local Board of Directors. Locally and nationally, our goal is the same – to create opportunities for a better life for everyone in our communities.
Forest stewardship council
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a global not-for-profit organization that focuses on healthy forest management both environmentally and socially around the world. From Indigenous Peoples to endangered species, FSC helps to make sure that the needs of everyone are being met. By making ethical environmental choices forests around the world can continue to thrive and breathe life into our world.
BullFrog Power
When it comes to clean, renewable energy sources, Bullfrog Power truly understands. Since 2005, the company has been providing communities with renewable sources of energy such as wind, hydro, and even biogas, an alternative to traditional fossil fuels. All of the energy sources offered by Bullfrog Power are natural and organic, meaning they are eco-friendly. They know that going green doesn’t just have a positive impact on the environment, it has a positive impact on future generations.